Raw material :
Malaysia KSK solid wood -The Kembang Semangkok tree is the Malaysian name for the timber of Scaphium spp. (Sterculiaceae), a tree indigenous to the country. The timber is soft to moderately soft and light to moderately heavy, with a density of 515-755 kg/m3 air dry. It’s classified as a Light Hardwood in Malaysia.
马来西亚 KSK 实木 – Kembang Semangkok 树是 Scaphium spp 木材的马来西亚名称。 (梧桐科),该国的本土树种。木材质地软至中软,轻至中重,气干密度515-755公斤/立方米。它在马来西亚被归类为轻质硬木。
Paint :
We chose PU Finishing as the top coat of our wood products. It is environmentally friendly and safe to use as it does not contain lead and toxins harmful to the human body. The PU surface treatment will form a layer of smooth luster which brings out the texture and color of wood. No special process is required, and this is a method of natural film formation. Most of our products have 4-5 layers of PU paint, which can preserve a long-lasting effect on the wood surface.
我们所采用的漆料是PU Finishing。我们选择了PU Finishing是因为PU (Polyurethane)比较环保安全,而且不含铅与毒素(对人体无害);其光泽均称,可以很好的显示木材的纹理和色泽,PU Finishing的成膜方式为自然成膜,无须特殊工艺,它能在一定的程度上保护好木的表层。而且我们大部分的产品都会有4-5层的漆。
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